Dora the Explorer is a half-hour animated children's television series starring a 7-year-old Latina girl and her friends. The show is designed to actively engage preschoolers in a play-along, computer-style adventure. In each episode, Dora invites young viewers to join her on an adventure or an exploration with a clearly defined goal at the end. Preschoolers can now watch even more videos of their favourite Nick Jr. Shows anytime and anywhere! Get episodes, music videos, and original shorts from PAW Patrol, Blaze, Bubble Guppies, Dora, & more.
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The following games listed are perfect for kids. Laden with lesson themed stages, these games with beautiful colours and background will keep your child entertained and inspired.
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Download these games available for free trial in the platforms of Windows, Android, Mac OS X etc.
1. Dora’s World Adventure – A Dreamy Game For Kids
Check out Dora’s World Adventure , a simple yet entertaining game for your kids
- Travel with Dora and Swiper around the world to collect bracelets and passport stamps
- Choose different landmarks with your mouse
- Contains only one level with a parental advisory at the end for taking out a print of passport stamps.
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2. Dora Saves The Crystal Kingdom – A Fantastic New Adventure
Download Dora Saves The Crystal Kingdom if you want a game set in a magical kingdom
- Dora and Boots will travel through the world to save the kingdom
- Mythical and fantastic creatures such as dragons, giant catterpillars included
- Each episode accentuates literacy, numeracy, pattern recognition etc.
3. Dora’s Carnival Adventure – A Kid Game From Nickolodeon
Check out Dora’s Carnival Adventure if you want to enhance your child’s abilities in a fun-filled way
- Play Ten games in this episode with Dora and her friends
- Win tickets and use it for extending the play
- Improves counting skills, hand to eye coordination and memory skills
4. Dora Saves The Snow Princess – A Thrilling Game For Your Kids
Install Dora Saves The Snow Princess , a game set in a frozen land filled with magical things
- Save the Princess with the help of Dora from the clutches of the evil witch
- Game filled with inpiring and mind sharpening puzzles
- Cons: Tends to repeat the same objects a lot
5. Dora’s Carnival 2: At The Boardwalk – A Game For Ages 3-6
Download Dora’s Carnival 2: At The Boardwalk if you want a stepping stone game for your kid
- Play 10 different boardwalk themed games and win tickets
- Helps in building skill sets in numbers, counting, hand-to-eye coordination
- Provides basic knowledge in Spanish language
6. Dora’s Fun Fun Run – The Ultimate Dora Game For Smartphones
Check out Dora’s Fun Fun Run if you want a Dora game for your android
- Helps in improving cognitive skills, logical thinking and also stimulates memory
- Will train their brain with creativity and imagination
- Simple gameplay settings which will help your toddler to play with ease
7. Dora Russia Run
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The trial versions of these games are available for free. G-queen 2021. Buy them for accessing the full version which includes unlimited playing time for your kids. Download them now!
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