In this thread we collect all information about issues with XAMPP for Windows 1.8.2-3 & 1.8.3-2
XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. Just download and start the installer. Boris vian les fourmis pdf merge. XAMPP for Windows 7.3.26, 7.4.14 & 8.0.1. In the latest XAMPP Version 1.8.3 on Win7 64b, there is a problem that php.ini line for Windows includepath = '.;C:ProxamppphpPEAR' does not work while the line for UNIX does: includepath = '.:/php/includes'. The issue is apparently in the: instead of. In the XAMPP Version 1.7.3, which is the version that uses one of my colleagues, the Windows line works all right. Remouse crackcleverboat.
To report a bug simply create a new forum thread
XAMPP 1.8.2-3confirmed- [Apache XAMPP]XAMPP new security concept compat access rules
- [PHP XAMPP]php_intl.dll activation errors
acknowledged- [MySQL core]InnoDB: Error: space header page consists of zero bytes in data file
- [BitRock Installer]Win 8.1 BitRock Installer Error: Installer payload initialization failed. This is likely due to an incomplete or corrupt downloaded file.
Apachefriends Xampp Version 1.8.33
vague- [Mercury]Missing QUEUE folder / Mercury not running
XAMPP 1.8.3-2confirmed- [Apache XAMPP]XAMPP new security concept compat access rules
- [PHP XAMPP]php_intl.dll activation errors
acknowledged- [XAMPP Installer]VC++ Installation doesn't clean up properly
- [MySQL core]InnoDB: Error: space header page consists of zero bytes in data file
- [BitRock Installer]Win 8.1 BitRock Installer Error: Installer payload initialization failed. This is likely due to an incomplete or corrupt downloaded file.
vague- [Mercury]Missing QUEUE folder / Mercury not running
not a bug- [XAMPP Core]XAMPP 1.8.3 no longer supports Windows XP / Windows Server 2003
Hi Apache Friends!
We are happy to announce a new release of XAMPP for all platforms. This release updates the main components to the latest stable versions. You can download new versions at
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1i
Updated Apache to 2.4.10
Updated PHP to 5.5.15
Updated MySQL to 5.6.20
Xampp Apache Download
Fixed MySQL issue for OS X Yosemite
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1i
Updated Apache to 2.4.10
Download Xampp Version 3.2.2
Updated PHP to 5.4.31
Fixed MySQL issue for OS X Yosemite
We also expanded the number of BitNami-packaged applications compatible with XAMPP. In addition to the previous ones (such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla! or Magento) in now includes ownCloud, CMS Made Simple, SuiteCRM and more. You can download free, one-click installers at
Xampp Download
Thanks to all users that posted issues in the forums. You can contribute to the Apache Friends project submitting your suggestions at